Southern Flinders Precinct

Project and Partner News

  • Remarkable recognition for a remarkable project

    Thursday 15th April 2021

    The award celebrates strong partnerships between federal, state, and local government and recognises leaders in their communities.

    Kelly-Anne was acknowledged for her work as the driving force behind the delivery of the Remarkable Southern Flinders adventure tourism project. The project is a truly remarkable collaboration between federal, state and local governments, not for profits and Traditional Owners the Nukunu Wampa Thura Aboriginal Corporation. Kelly-Anne was instrumental in bringing all stakeholders to the table.

    During the initial phases of Remarkable Southern Flinders Project, Kelly-Anne’s local knowledge played a huge part in securing funding through the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF).

    The Remarkable Southern Flinders Project is a partnership between the Australian and State Governments, who are each investing $5 million to create new mountain biking and hiking trails and visitor facilities in the region – including upgrading and expanding campgrounds.

    The project’s partners include the Department for Environment and Water, District Council of Mount Remarkable, Port Pirie Regional Council, Northern Areas Council, Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife and Nukunu Wapma Thura Aboriginal Corporation.